Friday 15 August 2008

Acupressure (shiatsu)

How does it work?
Shiatsu is based on the same principles as acupuncture but without the needles, concentrating on meridians or energy lines. Everything is related to the five elements that correspond to different parts of the body: Heart = FireKidneys = WaterSpleen = EarthLungs = MetalLiver = WoodThe idea, as in acupuncture, is to balance the life energy in the body which is disturbed when we become ill. Through a series of finger pressures all over the body along the meridians or pathways, Shiatsu can rebalance the body's energies, regulate the function of the organs and improve circulation. By releasing the body's natural energy flow, our self-healing process is able to take place. Shiatsu practitioners often use their elbows, knees and feet as well as their fingers during therapy, but they seldom use the palms of their hands unlike other traditional Western contact therapies.
Shiatsu can even detect energy imbalances before there are any symptoms, and as such Shiatsu is used widely as a wonderful preventive therapy which will leave you relaxed and feeling rejuvenated.

Alexander Technique

The Alexander Technique is used to help to teach people about how efficiently and effortlessly they can use their bodies in everyday life. Often, we develop bad posture and habits without being aware of this, and expend too much energy or muscle force to achieve a task. Alexander Technique teachers help to adjust the client's posture to recognise the difference between current habits and what it feels like to use muscles with minimum effort and in a relaxed, fluid way. The Technique teaches how to become more aware of your own posture, balance and movement in everyday life.
The Alexander Technique was developed by an Australian actor, Frederick Matthias Alexander (1869-1955). He suffered from respiratory problems as a child, which later affected his voice and career in the theatre. He tried many remedies without success and eventually began a process of self-observation to try to find a way of curing himself. He realised that the voice problem was a result of muscular tension in his whole body and that his thought patterns also had a great part in contributing to the tension that had become an ingrained habit. Alexander studied his posture with the aid of mirrors to see how this was affected when he recited and as a result could see that his body alignment was incorrect. He gradually taught himself to correct his posture and found that he had cured his voice problem. He went on to pass the technique to others and eventually opened a clinic to help people to learn about their own use of posture.

Allergy testing

There are many methods of allergy testing. Among the more common are the skin tests, elimination-type tests, and the radioallergosorbent test (RAST).
Skin tests are the most common. Specific methods vary. The scratch test (one of the most common methods) involves placement of a small amount of suspected allergy-causing substances (allergens) on the skin (usually the forearm, upper arm, or the back), and then scratching or pricking the skin so that the allergen is introduced under the skin surface. The skin is observed closely for signs of a reaction, usually swelling and redness of the site -- a controlled hive with so-called wheal and flare. Results are usually obtained within about 20 minutes, and several suspected allergens can be tested at the same time.

Aroma therapy

A holistic approachToday, aromatherapy is one of the most popular of all complementary therapies, offering a wide range of highly effective treatments to both the acute and chronic stages of illness and disease. At the same time, regular use of aromatherapy treatments and home-use products can help to strengthen the immune system, thereby establishing a preventative approach to overall health.
One of the reasons that aromatherapy has been so hugely successful is because it uses a holistic approach, whereby the aromatherapist takes into account a persons medical history, emotional condition, general health and lifestyle before planning a course of treatment. The whole person is treated - not just the symptoms of an illness - and this is in direct opposition to the modern trend of just treating the presented condition.
Backache, irritable bowel syndrome or headaches, for example, are often the result of stress and not actually a physical problem. Therefore no amount of pill-popping is really going to provide a long term solution since it only masks the symptoms without addressing the problems. By looking at the causes of the stress and providing treatments to ease and manage it, the aromatherapist will alleviate the condition in a much more efficient manner.

Art Therapy

Art therapy The use of art has always been used for self-expression and to convey ideas and emotions that are difficult to describe verbally. It's potential as a therapeutic tool became apparent after World War 2 when survivors of the war used art in hospitals and rehabilitation centres to help to overcome the traumas they had experienced. Art Therapy is a non-verbal way of revealing deeper emotions that may not otherwise be clearly expressed.
Art Therapy is a form of psychotherapy where art (creative expression using various media: painting, drawing, sculpture etc) is sued to allow safe expression of emotions. The client is encouraged to express themselves freely through art, allowing a link between the subconscious the product of the art therapy. The resulting images can help to bring to light any suppressed emotions or conflicts. Reflecting on the images can help to understand and deal with the issues that arise. Art Therapy is also used as a tool for personal growth and greater self-understanding.


What is Auricular Acupuncture and How Does it Work?
Simply explained, Auricular (Ear) Acupuncture is a specialised complementary therapy where acupuncture points on the outer ear are treated, using either needles or electro acupunctoscopes to help relieve many chronic complaints, e.g Anxiety, Arthritis, Asthma, Back Pain, Depression, Drug Addiction, Hay Fever, Insomnia, Migraine, Obesity, PMS, Sciatica, Sinusitis, Stopping Smoking, etc. There are over 200 acupuncture points on the outer ear, each point named generally after areas of the anatomy, e.g knees, hips, shoulders, liver heart etc. The outer ear acts similar to a switchboard to the brain, and when acupoints on the ear are stimulated, they trigger electrical impulses to the specific area of the body that is being treated.


What is acupuncture?
Acupuncture is a form of traditional Chinese medicine which involves the insertion of very fine needles at key points (known as acupuncture points) into the body. In the UK, acupuncture is one of the most popular and well-established complementary therapies, with approximately three million people undergoing this kind of treatment each year.
Acupuncture is based on the Chinese belief that the human body is controlled by a life force known as Qi (pronounced 'chee'). Qi flows through the body in channels, known as meridians. When your Qi is disturbed, or unbalanced, it can make you unwell. Acupuncture aims to restore the balance of Qi, and helps it to run smoothly through your body.

Thursday 14 August 2008

Australian Essence flower Therapy

What are the Australian Flower essences?
The flower essences are not therapeutic drugs – but work on the mind, soul and spirit and are obtained by extracting the healing vibrational quality from the highest evolved part of the plant – the flowers. Working on the emotional level, they harmonise negative feelings and belief patterns held in the subconscious mind.
What is the purpose of the Bush Flower Essences?
The purpose of the Bush Flower Essences is to assist in clearing the blocks that stop an individual getting in touch with their true or higher self.
The Bush Essences not only help to give clarity to one’s life purpose, but also the courage, strength and enthusiasm to follow and pursue their goals and dreams. They can help develop a higher level of intuition, self-esteem, spirituality, creativity and fun. The Essences can also help to resolve any drama and distress in one’s life.


What Is Autogenics?
Autogenics is a relaxation technique involving a series of attention-focusing exercises designed to induce relaxation and enhance the body’s self-healing powers.
Similar to self-hypnosis and meditation its purpose is to enable people to learn how to put themselves in a relaxed state releasing muscle tension and dealing with anxiety without the need of a trainer or therapists.
How it Evolved
Autogenic training evolved out of the research of Brain physiologist Oskar Vogt in the 1880’s at the Berlin Neuro Biological Institute.
Dr Vogt observed that some patients were able to put themselves in a self-hypnotic state which seemed to have positive effects on their recuperation. Along with his colleague, Korbinian Brodmann, Dr Vogt experimented with a range of self-hypnosis techniques which he found could relieve many stress-related symptoms and diseases. His work provided the inspiration for Johannes Schultz, a Berlin psychiatrist and neurologist to investigate the therapeutic potential of auto-hypnosis exercises from which autogenic training emerged.

Ayurvedic Medicine

What Is Ayurveda?
The word Ayurveda comes from two Sanskrit words - Ayur meaning life, and Veda meaning knowledge. This traditional Indian life science is the oldest form of medicine known to man; its guiding principles are said to have been handed down from the Hindu gods, and written texts date back 3500 years. Ayurveda still forms the basis of much medical practice today in India, Sri Lanka and Pakistan, where Orthodox doctors work alongside ayurvedic physicians. Following an Ayurvedic diet is considered to be an important way of maintaining health and preventing illness and disease.
Ayurvedic medicine is a complete healthcare system and involves detoxification, diet, exercise, use of herbs and techniques to improve mental and emotional health.

Bach Flower Remedies

What are the Bach Flower Remedies?
The Bach Flower Remedies are 38 plant and flower based remedies, each one specially devised to treat a different feeling.
They help you to manage the emotional demands of everyday life,They are the original flower remedies made according to the exact traditions of Dr. Edward Bach.
The Bach Flower Remedies work by stimulating the body’s own capacity to heal itself, by balancing negative feelings, helping you to take control, feel good about yourself, and get more out of life.
The Bach Flower Remedies are unique, simple to use, suitable for all the family and widely available from all major pharmacies and healthfood stores.

Bee Venon Therapy

What type of conditions is Bee venom used to treat?
Bee venom simulates the release of cortisone (cortisol) and is therefore effective in the treatment of rheumatic diseases, especially arthritis and multiple sclerosis (MS). It can be applied directly or by intramuscular injections.
Other treatments, such as electrotherapy, hormone therapy, can help to eliminate periarticular deformations, improve joint movement and raise the general state of the organism. Two products developed in Bucharest, an ointment - Apireven - and a liniment both have been used successfully in several cases of rheumatoid polyarthritis. The results have shown an important reduction in muscular pain, sciatic pain, nerve pain, neuromialgias and intercostal and bronchial nerve pain.
What does Bee Venom contain?
Bee venom is hemorrhagic, differing from snake (viper) venom, which is a coagulant. As well as containing: apamine, melittin, phospholipase, hyaluronidase, which have the opposing action of inhibiting the nervous system, and stimulating the heart and the adrenal glands; the venom also contains the mineral substances, volatile organic acids, formic acid, hydrochloric acid, ortho-phosphoric acid. Also present are some antibiotics, an enzyme – phospholipase A, as well as two amino acids rich in sulphur methionine and cystine. Sulphur is the main element in inducing the release of cortisol from the adrenal glands, and in protecting the body against infections.
How does it work?
Bee venom therapists apply bee venom to specific points on the surface of the body. Patients are tested for sensitivity before the first treatment, which involves an injection of a minute dose of the venom.

Bowen Technique

The Bowen TechniqueA Bowen treatment affects the body in ways that promote healing, pain relief and recovery of energy. The experience of the treatment is gentle, subtle and relaxing. The practitioner uses thumbs and fingers on precise points on the body to make rolling type moves which aim to disturb the muscles, soft tissue and energy within the body. During the treatment there are periods in which the client is left resting to allow the body to absorb the gentle moves that have been performed. This gives the body time to make the subtle & fine adjustments which help relieve tension, reduce pain & initiate the healing process. Bowen can safely treat common problems such as back & neck pains, knee problems, sports injuries, RSI, frozen shoulder, headaches, migraine etc. Initially 2-3 treatments are required over a period of two weeks & then maintenance 2-4 times a year or tailoring to the individuals needs.


Biofeedback is a technique that gives information about functions that are usually regulated automatically by the body, such as your heart rate or muscle contractions.
A therapist then teaches you how to use this information to control the 'involuntary' activities.
In the case of urinary incontinence, it can help you re-educate and strengthen your pelvic floor muscles, particularly if your muscles are weak and you don’t know how to produce a contraction.

Chelation TherapyThe word Chelation comes from the Greek word for ‘claw’ and means ‘to seek out and bind’. In Chelation therapy a man made amino acid known as EDTA is administered to patients with the aim of removing poisonous metals from the body by converting them to an inert form which allows them to be excreted.Chelation therapy has been used to treat various conditions from metal poisoning, to heart disease and stroke and has even been used to treat autism.This therapy is somewhat controversial. Advocates swear by it, and there are case studies in which patients have claimed to feel better, but others are cautious about possible side effects including kidney failure, low blood pressure and convulsions.

ChiropracticChiropractic was founded in the year 1895 by a Canadian gentlemen by the name of Daniel David Palmer and operates on the principal that many, if not all health problems can be treated by the manipulation of the spine.The word Chiropractic is taken from the two words ‘cheros’ and ‘praktikos’ and means literally ‘done by hand’.The philosophy behind this therapy, like many others, is that the body has a powerful ability to heal itself. The body’s structure (meaning the spine) and its function are closely related, and it is the goal of chiropractic therapy to ‘normalise’ this relationship.Generally speaking, people seek out a chiropractor when experiencing lower back or neck pain.A treatment would typically consist of various manipulation techniques designed to improve joint function, and relieve pain and muscle spasms.Chiropractic is used to treat back pain, headaches, whiplash and sporting injuries.

Chinese Herbal Medicine

Chinese Herbal MedicineChinese herbal medicine, also known as TCM covers a whole range of practises that have been developed over thousands of years.There has been a surge of interest in Chinese medicine in recent years, which has resulted in Chinese Herbalists springing up on almost every high street in the UK.The theory behind TCM is that the body needs to be in balance in order to maintain optimum health. The balance of yin and yang (male and female energy) is vital to healthy chi and therefore good health, and lines of energy called meridians connect everything in the body.Branches of Chinese medicine include herbal medicine and acupuncture as well as dietary therapy, exercise and lifestyle management.Herbs are used to treat conditions such as skin problems, stress, allergies, digestive disorders, respiratory problems etc….Whilst the herbal concoctions may taste a little unusual, they have not been found to have any harmful effects.

Wednesday 13 August 2008

Colonic Hydrotheraphy

Colonic Hydrotherapy, also known as colonic irrigation has been in the public eye due to it being a therapy of choice of certain celebrities. Treatment takes the form of a type of enema. A tube is inserted into the rectum and a quantity of purified water is introduced to the colon. The fluid is then released along with any waste products. Up to 15 litres of water can enter the bowel, but in a controlled way!This practice is actually ancient in origin, and was first used as a treatment for constipation.Now it is used as a ‘wellness’ treatment, but its primary function is to treat conditions such as IBS (irritable bowel syndrome), constipation, diarrhoea, flatulence, indigestion and other digestive disorders. It is thought to detoxify the body resulting in improved bowel function, clearer skin, less headaches and the circulatory, immune and inflammatory problems are said to be reduced

Colour Theraphy

Colour has a profound effect on us, and colour therapy uses the 7 colours of the spectrum to balance the chakras which balance body, mind and spirit.Each colour corresponds to a charka: red – base, orange – sacral, yellow – solar plexus, green – heart, blue – throat, indigo – brow and violet – crown.Colours are made up of different wavelengths and frequencies, red operating on a much lower frequency than violet.Although you can consult a colour therapist, many of us already use colours subconsciously by say for example, wearing a particular colour, or decorating a room a certain way. Treatments can involve the placement of colour in a particular place on the body or meditating on colour.Although colours are very individual and can mean different things to different people, the following can act as a guide.Violet – is the colour of spiritual awareness hence its use in churches.Indigo – relates to seeing whether on a physical or intuitive level.Blue – relates to communication and speech, and on the body the throat and larynx.Green – is the heart area, therefore relates to heart complaints and on another level, affairs of the heart, and the ability to love.Yellow – on a physical level represents the liver, stomach and spleen and spiritually is the power centre in the body.Orange – corresponds to the lower abdomen and the sexual organs and on a different level relates to our own self respect.Red – is to do with the bladder and bowel but also represents basic survival skill. Can be used to represent courage, but also danger and anger

Craniosacral Therapy

This is a therapy involving the gentle manipulation of cranial and spinal bones with the aim of relieving pain and bringing harmony to the nervous system.A typical treatment would take place with the client fully clothed on a couch and would take about an hour. This is not a painful process, on the contrary, it is found by many to be very relaxing. It has been described by practitioner as being the art of ‘listening with the hands’.Craniosacral therapy has been used to treat a whole range of disorders including, jaw problems, whiplash, curvature of the spine to wider issues such as depression and exhaustion

Dream Theraphy

This is a technique often used by psychotherapists and involves the use of dreams and the dream state to heal on a physical and emotional level. It involves the interpretation and analysis of dreams, and also the technique of lucid dreaming (which is the process by which one takes the conscious mind into the dream state) to search for answers to problems.The aim is to link the conscious mind with what is happening in the unconscious and then interpreting patterns and symbols. The information received can be used to heal situations or heal on a physical level


Herbalism, or the use of plants as medicine has been used across the world for many thousands of years. Many synthetic medicines are based on plants, and, in fact it is estimated that at least 7000 medical compounds in modern use are derived from plants.As well as being used by shaman and ‘wise women’ from all cultures, animals also use the medicinal properties of plants as they intuitively seek out the appropriate plants when they are sick.Always use a qualified herbalist as some plants are very toxic and other normally ‘safe’ plants can react to or affect other medical treatments.Treatment can take many forms and herbs are administered in a number of ways including, tinctures, elixirs, infusions, inhalations and topical applications such as compresses.In recent years there has been a huge upsurge in interest in herbal medicine, and nowadays nobody thinks twice about using tea tree oil as an anaesthetic or evening primrose to help PMT


The basic premise behind homeopathy is to ‘treat like with like’. In other words, to cure an ailment, you would administer a small dosage of a substance that would produce the same symptom in a healthy person.Homeopathic medicine was developed in the late 1700’s by a German doctor called Samuel Hahnemann, and is said to work by boosting the immune system of the body and stimulating the natural capacity of the body to heal itself.Homeopathic remedies are plant, mineral or animal extracts which are mixed with alcohol into a tincture and then diluted to varying extents. A mixture that has ‘30c’ potency contains less than one part per million of the original substance!Treatments are very individual, and are used to treat a wide variety of conditions ranging from eczema to chronic fatigue syndrome


As the name suggests, hydrotherapy is the use of water to sooth pain, relax the body and treat disease.There is nothing new about the healing properties of water, the ancient Romans and Egyptians did it, and in Victorian times it was very popular, with those with the means travelling to Spa towns or the seaside to take the waters.Hydrotherapy comes is a variety of techniques and can be used in the treatment of anything ranging from back pain to arthritis, spinal cord injuries, stroke to paralysis.Treatments include, having a spa bath, sauna, hot or cold compresses, foot spas, and often can be combined with the use of essential oils which themselves have healing and relaxing properties


Is the use of hypnosis, a light trance like state, to treat mental and psychological disorders such as anxiety, panic attacks, phobias and to help with addictions such as smoking, and for weight loss. In the relaxed state, breathing, heart rate and metabolism can all slow down and brain waves can change. In this relaxed state, suggestions can be made by the hypnotherapist, the brain seems more receptive than in the normal state of alertness, and learned behaviours can be changed. This is not like stage hypnotism. Most therapists will explain that the client is in control at all times, and contrary to popular opinion you can remember what has happened during hypnosis and you are not made to do anything embarrassing!

Indian Head Massage

Indian Head Massage is an ancient technique, which as the name suggests originated in India and Pakistan where is was a part of the regular grooming routine and practised by barbers.Indian Head Massage came to the west via osteopath and massage therapist Narendra Mehta, and is known as champissage (which incidentally in where the word shampoo comes from).During an Indian Head Massage, various different massage techniques, such as kneading, stroking, hacking, squeezing and tapping are used, and the upper back, neck, arms and face are treated as well as the actual head.Benefits from the treatment include, increased blood flow which improves the circulation and encourages healing, increased lymphatic flow, which aids the elimination of toxins, relaxation of the head, neck and shoulders and the reduction of muscle spasms and restrictions in the muscle fibres.A treatment can take up to an hour and can be done whilst seated or on a couch with or without the use of oils.IridologyThis is a somewhat controversial technique where the patterns and colours in the iris are used to obtain information regarding a persons general health and well being. Iridologists view the eyes as ‘windows’ in to the state of the rest of the body.Flashlights, magnifying glasses, microscopes and cameras are used to look in detail at the iris, which is then compared to a chart which relates different ‘zones’ of the iris to varying parts of the body


Kinesiology describes the scientific study of body movements and applied kinesiology involves the diagnosis of medical conditions by the way of a muscle test.Imbalances within the body are associated with a lack of smoothness in muscle response. Often the test is done by raising an arm and seeing how it responds to downward pressure.It is used in fields such as the identification of allergies and food intolerances and to treat asthma and stress

Light Theraphy

It is a common belief that the quality and quantity of light has an effect on our moods. Light therapy is the exposure of the patient to specific types of light for a certain period of time. Equipment used includes laser, LED’s, florescent lamps and light boxes.Light therapy has been used to treat certain skin conditions such as acne and psoriasis and psychological problems such as seasonal affective disorder known as SADLight Touch TherapiesThis is a name for any non invasive treatment which involves very gentle touch on the body. There is no manipulation or pressure involved, it is more of a relaxing nature.The aim of light touch therapies is to restore balance to mind, body and spirit and therefore release pain, disease and stress


This is the technique of applying a magnetic field to the body in order to help relieve pain and accelerate the natural healing process. The principle behind this technique is that the magnetic energy speeds up the blood supply thus allowing more oxygen to enter the blood stream which helps nutrients become absorbed.Popular products include magnetic bracelets which are worn to help with conditions such as arthritis, joint pain and poor circulation. Experiments have also been done with drinking magnetically treated water on plants and animals

Marma Theraphy

Marma therapy is a ayurvedic technique, thought to have originated in China. It is based around the chakra system, and 107 points on the body where two of more types of tissue meet. Treatment often takes the form of a massage in which pressure is applied to these areas. This brings about the cleansing and unblocking of the vital life force, known as chi, which restores the natural equilibrium of the body.Benefits of this therapy are said to include the overall nourishment of the body, added physical stability and the promotion of good sleep patterns.


This is a modern and wider approach to aromatherapy, which is basically the use of essential oils to promote health and wellbeing. It can be used to treat many conditions but is particularly good when used to deal with emotional problems which have become manifested in physical ways.A meta-aromatherapy treatment will normally begin with a consultation which is followed by an aromatherapy massage. Quite often however, other techniques are also brought in such as hypnotherapy to help get to the root cause of the problem. It can also include other complimentary techniques such as counselling, reiki and stress management

Music Theraphy

Music has a profound effect on humans. It has the power to relax, excite, to terrify and to bore, and most people have a clear idea of what they like and what they detest!Music therapy is the use of music to help restore, maintain and improve health and well being on a physical, physiological, emotional and spiritual level.A music therapist will use a number of different approaches and techniques, including, listening to music, the use of the voice i.e. singing, playing instruments, moving to music etc.Music therapy is used on a wide variety of clients but will often include working with children and adults with disabilities and special needs and those with emotional and behavioural problems. It can be used to great effect with the visually impaired and even with the deaf, who sense the music through vibration

Naturopathy Theraphy

Naturopathy is an umbrella term used to describe the practice of treating the body in a way which allows the body to use its natural ability to heal (or whole) itself.It is used to describe any treatment which involves the use of natural remedies rather than synthetic ones and therapies such as acupuncture, herbalism, aromatherapy and homeopathy etc

Nutritional Theraphy

This therapy is based on the belief that food is medicine as well as fuel, and advocates the use of a good diet of fresh food and any necessary dietary supplements to maintain health.It is not just about what you eat, but also looks at eating habits, what time of day do you eat, do you eat regularly, how fast to you eat, do you take time to digest etc…Nutritional therapy can be used to help treat a whole range of digestive disorders such as IBS, Indigestion, constipation, etc and to treat stress related conditions such as depression, insomnia and headaches


Osteopathy is a way of detecting and treating damaged muscles, ligaments and joints and by manipulation and massage techniques encourage natural healing to take place within the body.It is used to treat common conditions such as repetitive strain injury, postural problems, arthritis and sports injuries

Oxygen Theraphy

This is the practise of the administration of oxygen. Oxygen therapy benefits the patient by increasing the supply of oxygen to the lungs and therefore to the body.It comes in three main forms. Liquid oxygen, which has to be boiled so it turns to a gas form, oxygen cylinders which contain compressed gas which is commonly used in first aid and oxygen concentrators which removes nitrogen from the air, making it more rich in oxygen

Panchakarma therapy

Panchakarma is a form of body detoxification that originated in India and was used as a preventative treatment as well as to treat illness.It is believed that illnesses were caused by a build up of toxins in the body, and that to prevent the build up, they should be eliminated by various means.There are 5 methods of treatment; herbal enema therapy, herbal purgative therapy, emesis therapy, herbal inhalation therapy and herbal oil enema therapy

Raw Juice Theraphy

Raw juice therapy is the method of treating illness and disease by taking on an exclusive diet of fruit and vegetable juice. This is believed to be an effective way to restore health and rejuvenate the body.It is believed that this diet eliminates toxins by increasing the efficiency of the lungs, liver, kidney and skin. The juices have a high vitamin and mineral content and are easily digested, and some juices have natural medicinal properties. Obviously, only fresh juice is recommended.During this treatment juice can be taken up to 6 times a day initially, and then is followed by a phased return back to a normal balanced diet


Is an ancient healing technique that works on the principal that different areas on the feet correspond to different areas of the body, and that by massage and the application of pressure to certain areas, healing is promoted.Reflexology is good for relaxation and also for boosting energy and can stimulate the release of toxins from the body. After a treatment it is advisable to drink plenty of water to help with this process.Conditions treated by reflexology are wide ranging and include stress, digestive disorders, neck and back pain and headaches and migraine.


Reiki was ‘discovered’ and developed by Mikao Usui after he spent three weeks fasting and meditating on a mountain top.The word Reiki itself can be translated as meaning ‘universal life force energy’ and it is taught that anyone can access this once they have been through an attunement or initiation process.A reiki treatment does not involve massage or manipulation, it is a non invasive gentle laying on of hands which takes place when the client is fully clothed. In fact some practitioners do not touch their clients at all preferring to treat ‘hands off’, and distant healings are also done.Once you have learned reiki you can use it to self heal as well as to heal others.It is a spiritual practise, but is not related to any particular belief system or religion. There are 5 principals by which those who practise reiki try to live…Just for today…..Do not angerDo not worryHonour your parents, teachers and eldersEarn your living honestlyShow gratitude to all living things


This oddly named therapy takes its name from its founder Dr Ida Pauline Rolf and is a system of soft tissue manipulation.It has been used by a wide variety of people including athletes and dancers for improving posture as well as increasing vitality and sense of well being, and reports talk of people walking tall after a treatment. It is also claimed that rolfing can be useful in reducing stress, and for treating conditions such as back pain and strain injuries


This is a Japanese hands on therapy, shi means finger and atsu means pressure. It was credited to Tokujuro Namikoshi and is the technique of using the fingers and palm of the hand to apply pressure to areas of the body to correct imbalance and for maintaining and promoting good health. It treats the body as a whole and helps to restore functions of the nervous system, circulatory system, bone structure and muscles and is said to stimulate the bodies natural ability to heal itself

Spiritual Counselling

Is practised by people from all types of faith and is a term generally used to describe the advice and support given to a person to help them develop spiritually and to recognise that there is a higher source which can assist them in their daily lives.Spiritual counselling can help a person experience his or her spiritual nature more fully and brings together mind, body and spirit. Techniques used include psychology, silence, prayer, meditation and visualisation

Stress Managment

Stress is something that most people experience in their lives at some time or another. It is how we deal with stress that is important. If it is allowed to fester it can manifest itself in physical ways such as headaches, digestive problems, high blood pressure, heart disease etc…Stress management looks at ways of recognising and dealing with stress and minimising its impact by making small changes, such as time management strategies and checking emotional reactions to difficult situations

Swimming Theraphy

Swimming is a great way to relax and unwind as well as being a good from of exercise. It can also be of considerable benefit for those with disabilities including those with cerebral palsy. Swimming can provide relief from pain and muscle stiffness and the natural buoyancy of the body takes away pressure from the limbs. It can also tone and build muscle strength. There are several techniques of swimming therapy used which include Aquatic Feldenkrais, Halliwick, Task type and Watsu

Tai Chi

Tai Chi is a Chinese martial art which aims to promote health and longevity. It involves learning fairly long and complicated sequences and routines with the aim of balancing yin and yang (male and female) for healthy chi (energy). Movements of the body are timed carefully with the breath.Tai chi is a martial art, and although today is practised mainly for health and well being is also a system for self defence

Tens Therapy

Tens Therapy involves the use of mild electronic impulses as an alternative to drugs, by the use of what is known as a TENS machine. Tens stands for Transcutanous Electrical Nerve Stimulation Therapy. It works by gently stimulating the nerves and blocking pain signals before they can be received by the brain. It can and has been used to treat all sorts of pain ranging from back pain and post operative pain to labour pain

Transcendental Meditation

Transcendental Meditation or TM, is the name of a meditation technique introduced in 1958 by a man named Maharishi Mahesh Yogi. TM is typically practised for 20 mins daily and allows for the quietening of the body and mind, and allowing access to higher levels of consciousness. During a mediation research has shown the physiology of the body becomes relaxed while the brain function actually increases.It is said to be helpful in the reduction of high blood pressure, treating insomnia, reducing high cholesterol and reducing anxiety. It has also been shown to help concentration and increase IQ levels and creativity

Zen Theraphy

Zen TherapyZen therapy, as the name suggests has its roots in Buddhism but was developed by Dub Leigh. It is similar to some other therapies in that it aims to promote the free flow of energy around the body by releasing blockages in the energy field