Wednesday 13 August 2008

Colour Theraphy

Colour has a profound effect on us, and colour therapy uses the 7 colours of the spectrum to balance the chakras which balance body, mind and spirit.Each colour corresponds to a charka: red – base, orange – sacral, yellow – solar plexus, green – heart, blue – throat, indigo – brow and violet – crown.Colours are made up of different wavelengths and frequencies, red operating on a much lower frequency than violet.Although you can consult a colour therapist, many of us already use colours subconsciously by say for example, wearing a particular colour, or decorating a room a certain way. Treatments can involve the placement of colour in a particular place on the body or meditating on colour.Although colours are very individual and can mean different things to different people, the following can act as a guide.Violet – is the colour of spiritual awareness hence its use in churches.Indigo – relates to seeing whether on a physical or intuitive level.Blue – relates to communication and speech, and on the body the throat and larynx.Green – is the heart area, therefore relates to heart complaints and on another level, affairs of the heart, and the ability to love.Yellow – on a physical level represents the liver, stomach and spleen and spiritually is the power centre in the body.Orange – corresponds to the lower abdomen and the sexual organs and on a different level relates to our own self respect.Red – is to do with the bladder and bowel but also represents basic survival skill. Can be used to represent courage, but also danger and anger

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